As most people know, Helter Skelter is a popular song by the Beatles, Charles Manson included. He, however, was not just an ordinary Beatles fan. He believed that their music had subliminal messages that only he could interpret. For Manson, the most unsettling message was an oncoming apocalyptic war foretold in the song Helter Skelter. As stated by Manson, “at the end of each song there is a little tag piece on it, a couple of notes. Or like in “Piggies” there’s “oink, oink, oink.” Just these couple of sounds… Like in Revolution 9, all these pieces are fitted together and they predict the violent overthrow of the white man… This music is bringing on the revolution.” The black race would supposedly wipe out 1/3 of the white race in this war that Manson referred to as Helter Skelter. As large as his distaste for African Americans was, he did not deny that the black race had been ruled by the white race for too long; thus a race war was inevitable. In the ghastly words of Charles Manson “blackie will wipe out whitie, cut up piggy bodies, take that piggy blood and put it up all over piggy walls.” With this apocalypse swiftly approaching, Manson devised a plan the save him and his followers. He uncovered an empty and deserted elevator shaft in Los Angeles where he planned to live during the war. Once it was over, the Manson Family would resurface and prevail over the black race because the black race knew nothing outside of their ‘chains.’